Thursday, July 31, 2008

Metformin may help obese teen girls lose weight (Reuters)

Reuters - The addition of the type 2 diabetes drug metformin to a lifestyle modification program may help female adolescents lose weight loss if they also make dietary changes, according to a new study.

Valerian, a supplement available in the US is an extract of the Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), a perennial plant native to North America, Asia and Europe, and is widely prescribed in Europe for the treatment of insomnia. The composition of Valerian includes sesquiterpenes of the volatile oil (including valeric acid), iridoids (valepotriates), alkaloids, furanofuran lignans, and free amino acids such as -aminobutyric acid (GABA), tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine. Valerian administered to animals shows sedative effects.

It is often combined with passionflower and St. John's Wort for treatment of anxiety or sleeplessness. A number of studies in humans have shown that it promotes sleep quality and decreases time to fall asleep. Valerian has been shown to lead to a significant decrease in the time it takes to fall asleep and improvement in sleep quality when compared to a placebo. Other studies showed that it was equal to the benzodiazepine oxazepam and had fewer side effects; patients were less sleepy the next day with Valerian compared to oxazepam (1). Valerian seems to be most effective when used daily, rather than as an acute sleep aid. Other uncontrolled studies showed that Valerian decreased heart rate response to stress (2). Like pharmaceuticals with sedative effects, however, discontinuation of Valerian can be associated with withdrawal symptoms. My recommendation is take it if you want, although there still is not enough information to know for sure if Valerian is useful for insomnia. However I remind you of the fact that any efficacious treatment of insomnia will have a draw back. You always have to find a non drug (or herb) way to fall asleep.

1. Ziegler, G., Ploch, M., Miettinen-Baumann, A., Collet, W. Efficacy and tolerability of valerian extract LI 156 compared with oxazepam in the treatment of non-organic insomnia: a randomized double-blind, comparative clinical study. European Journal of Medical Research. 2002;25:480-486.
2. Cropley, M., Cave, Z., Ellis, J., Middleton, R.W. Effect of Kava and Valerian on human physiological and psychological responses to mental stress assessed under laboratory conditions. Phytotherapy Research. 2002;16:23-27.

J. Douglas Bremner, MD, is a researcher and physician and author of 'Before You Take That Pill: Why the Drug Industry May be Bad for Your Health: Risks and Side Effects You Won't Find on the Label of Commonly Prescribed Drugs, Vitamins and Supplements.'

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