Friday, July 18, 2008

Salmeterol for asthma may cause serious events (Reuters)

Reuters - Patients with chronic asthma who use the salmeterol on a daily basis are at increased risk for serious adverse events, researchers conclude in the latest issue of The Cochrane Library.

There is a great deal of misleading advertising when it comes to natural weight loss supplements. I see ads promising how to lose 15 pounds in two weeks.

Personally, I have a lot of problems with these claims. Especially the pharmaceutical products that are presently on the market. The pharmaceutical version of weight loss supplements often come with very uncomfortable side effects. These can include frequent urination, a palpitating heart, increased blood pressure and an alteration of your moods.

On the other hand, natural weight loss supplements produced entirely from herbs are a different matter. Herbal weight loss supplements or buy bulk l citrulline dl-malate burners have been around for centuries. When manufactured properly they have no serious side effects. Even more importantly, they work very well.

In order to purchase an effective herbal fat burner it may be necessary to do some research. Here are some helpful suggestions:

1/ Check the ingredients and make sure that the product is all natural.

2/ Look at the testimonials and see if they are similar to your situation.

3/ Make sure that the company has a refund policy.

4/ Also make sure that the company provides contact information.

5/ Once you purchase an herbal fat burner it is important that you do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Even though herbs are not drugs you should still check with your doctor if you have a medical condition or under their care.

In China the use of herbs has been the stable of their form of treatment for thousands of years. The Chinese have used herbs to get rid of unwanted fat for almost as long as they have been around. Africa provides us with Hoodia, another popular weight loss product.

Another more recent product on the market is 999 Fitness Essence. This is an all natural weight loss supplement from China. Until recently you could only purchase this from your local acupuncturist. It is now possible to buy this online. Reports are that this is a very effective method of helping you to lose unwanted weight.

Here is something else to keep in mind. Herbal weight loss products will actually help you lose weight without dieting. But, if you want to receive the full benefit from using them you should also alter your diet and become involved in some sort of exercise program.

Herbal weight loss supplements may be just what you need in order to help your body regain its correct weight.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Natural Weight Loss Supplements.

More Americans obese, government finds (Reuters)

Reuters - More than a quarter of all Americans are now obese, the latest U.S. government figures show.

The most effective way to fight against many deadly diseases including cancer and to improve the overall quality of life buy bulk dl malic acid to consume fish oil and omega 3 sources on a regular basis. However, omega 3 supplements should be consumed with care as excess omega 3 consumption may cause side effects and some other symptoms.

Omega 3 fish oil supplements are easily available on market for purchase. They are available under the category of over-the-counter drugs and anyone can use them without even consulting with a doctor. But, in addition to finding the best omega 3 fish oil supplement, you also need to be careful about its dosage.

Normal dosage is usually written on the bottle or cover of a nutritional supplement product. However, if not written you should keep in mind that our body can absorb only 300 to 400 mg of omega 3 fats on a daily basis. It needs certain enzymes and vitamin E to absorb fats properly, and if these enzymes are not working correctly we will soon end up with many stomach problems and other common symptoms.

Symptoms associated with excess omega 3 fatty acids consumption may include hardening of arteries, skin irritation, upset stomach, nausea, unusual and frequent headaches, diarrhea and constipation. If these conditions occur, immediately discontinue the use of fish oil capsules and see a doctor.

You need to remember that excess of everything is dangerous for health and omega 3 fatty acids are no different. Excessive intake of these fats at once may complicate already deteriorating health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and obesity. In diabetic patients, constant bleeding is sometimes observed as a symptom of overdose of nutritional supplements containing high concentration of minerals and other nutrients.

Some other side effects observed in normal healthy people include stomach cramps, sleeplessness, bad mouth taste and acne. These symptoms should go away after a few days when the stomach gets used to the new supplement product. However, if they don't go away, immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnant women are strongly advised to check with their doctor before starting the course of any nutritional supplement product. Vegetarians are advised not to consume DHA and EPA at once through vegetable oils because these oils can lower blood pressure significantly if taken in excess quantities.

Always find the best quality nutritional supplements available out there to avoid these symptoms and adverse health conditions.

John Collins is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. His latest website - Natural Dha Fish Oil focuses on omega 3 as a whole, and in particular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Dha Esters

Be sure to check out our Omega 3 Dha Esters of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.